It might make its appearance known slowly and surely...but when you hear that word, everything changes in an instant. Whether you choose to accessorize with it or not, you wear it around your neck every day...weighing you down and clanging against everything. You never forget its there.
My dad has been diagnosed with lung cancer. I can't pretend I am surprised - he has been a life-long smoker who has flown in the face of authority and expertise about it. Cancer? Who me? Naaaaah. Pass me my smokes. Does that realistic perspective make what I'm about to start going through any easier? Not in the least.
Now...he is a man in his 70's facing what is most likely the second most difficult thing in his life second to losing his wife - something we both just got over (if one ever truly gets over it). In the span of less than two years, I will have seen both of my parents go through physical deterioration and struggle. One can only hope the outcome of this is better than my first go-round.
This blog has been quiet since my birthday...but I didn't want you to think I have expired. Quite the contrary. I had amazing meals, great wine, tons of laughs - all of which I shared with a uninvited guest in the room named Cancer. It loomed in the back of my mind...and rightly so. The diagnosis happened the Friday of Birthday Week (tm).
In true cosmic form, my work schedule has really amped up...something I am very grateful for. It helps keeps me focused on positive things and forces me out in the world. So...I will be away from the blog for another few days. I have my head up and I'm moving along with whatever the world hands me.
Thanks to the few of you who have dropped me a line wondering where I've gone. I've been missing on the cooking front...but not for long. I have a great sweet potato recipe I'm dying to make...a barley salad that looks divine...and that "bookmarked recipe folder" that would be bulging at the seams if it were in real time. I just need to get the time to take time for myself and cook. This blog is one of the few sure things I have...and I'll always come back. I promise I'll see you soon.
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