... a cheese sandwich.
I broke out the ol' drawing skills, which I promised I would retire after this post, in honor of Pete Wells and his article on blogs in this month's Food and Wine magazine - I'm not even going to spend the money on making him a *real* cheese sandwich. According to Mr. Wells, there are exactly 7 blogs on the entire face of the Internet worth reading. Guess what? This wasn't one of them.
Imagine me looking like I care here.
What I *do* care about is the way he dismisses all of us who Mr. Wells feels doesn't have a definitive voice or "sense of purpose". I don't blog so I can eat duck fetuses and pig's blood. If I wanted to do that, I'd win $50,000 on Fear Factor. I blog because it makes me happy. I blog because it encourages me to work on my craft and improve my hobby of photography. I blog because it is the catalyst for experimentation and challenges in the kitchen. I blog because I am inspired by beautiful blogs like Chubby Hubby and Delicious Days. I blog because I learn something new every day from blogs like An Obsession with Food and 101 Cookbooks. I blog because I meet great people, like Ali at Something So Clever. I don't know about you...but that looks like some serious cooking, serious photography, and serious writing. No sense of purpose!?!
I've learned and accomplished so much in my short time working on this blog and no one is going to discourage me from continuing. Taking food blog advice from a food magazine that can't manage to put food or wine on its March cover seems like taking fashion advice from Stevie Wonder. I'll pass.
In the words of our beloved Whitney Houston...
"Kiss my Ass!"